Fishing Target Diary

I don’t generally set targets for pleasure fishing but, having moved to Boroughbridge for the fishing, it seems only right that I set myself some objectives. That will encourage me to experiment with baits (e.g. cheese paste, slugs etc) and techniques (e.g. roving, touch ledgering etc). Also, some sessions may be quite short with little tackle but aimed directly at a specific target.

Some of these targets may take years to achieve but it will be interesting to be able to look back on my journey.

The Details column may be a link to the blog write-up of that session (where appropriate). It is best viewed in landscape when using a phone.


Date set Target Date met Details
2020-06-16 Catch at least 10 Chub in my 1st season fishing the river Ure 2020-07-10 It took me over 2 weeks to catch my first Chub but then quickly achieved my target
2020-07-10 Chub of at least 5lb 2020-07-21 Chub of 5lb 2oz, within 30 minutes of a whopping 10lb 4oz Barbel!
2020-07-22 Chub of at least 6lb TBD


Date set Target Date met Details
2020-07-10 Barbel of at least 10lb 2020-07-21 10lb 4oz, brilliant session also included a large Chub that met my latest Chub target
2020-07-22 Barbel of at least 11lb 2020-10-01 11lb - equalling my PB
2020-10-02 Barbel of at least 11lb 8oz TBD


Date set Target Date met Details
2020-08-22 Bream of at least 7lb TBD


Date set Target Date met Details
2020-10-02 First ever Grayling TBD


Date set Target Date met Details
2020-07-22 Perch of at least 2lb 2020-08-31 2lb 8oz
2020-09-02 Perch of at least 3lb TBD


Date set Target Date met Details
2020-07-22 Roach of at least 1lb 8oz TBD


Date set Target Date met Details
2020-07-22 Daytime Ure session with over 25lb of Chub & Barbel TBD